Energy c/o Premier Studios

The Airfield Building, Upper Benefield, Peterborough PE8 5AS U.K.  

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+44 7590 067 120


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Trace Whittaker says...

"Not very many bands exhibit the keen attention to detail that Energy do,

and that’s precisely why songs like “We Dream the Dream,” “Cry of a Child” and “Spitfire Glory Boy” shine like the diamonds in the rough that they truly are when compared to the futile fodder dominating FM airwaves at the moment.

The bass, the drums, the guitars, and the virtuoso vocal lead the way; every component, and every player, is pulling their weight in this LP, and what’s more is that we never get the impression that they’re competing for our affection.

At its best, Energy operates like a well-oiled machine – lean, efficient, and a singular entity in every sense."

Click here to read the full review by Trace Whittaker at

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