The album that took 40 years to arrive! "Rock Party" from ENERGY, the UKs premier classic rock band are back.

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Well it's taken a long time to arrive but it's finally here - Energy's album, Rock Party, is available now from - simply click here to order your copy.  

It is available on CD as we wanted a "physical product" to show the world - you know, with logos, lyrics, and credits...things you can touch and read...all the stuff that gets lost when streaming.

CDs also sound better than streaming because the sound isn't compressed. Heavy compression takes the life out of music and can make it sound very thin. 

If you're new to Energy, they are a classic 80's style rock band influenced by Thin Lizzy, The Sex Pistols, Status Quo, Queen, The Police, Pink Floyd & Bebop Deluxe. If you're fed up with the majority of computerised modern music then Energy will be a breath of fresh air for your eardrums. 

Pre-release reviews include...

"Hard, heavy, and hauntingly rhythmic from the moment that “Rock Party” starts to the second that “And I’m Doing Alright” returns into the darkness from which it was first born, Energy’s debut is just the shot of stone-free melodicism that this decade needed to finally feel rock-worthy."

Click here to read the full review by Nicole Killian at

"Strands of feedback and acrylic white noise come slipping through the cracks of silence like transmissions from outer space as we descend upon “Rock Party,” the opening titular track of Energy’s debut album, which is set to be released this upcoming July."

Click here to see full review by Garth Thomas at

"Energy utilises a litany of sonic weapons in the studio on this first offering and delivers a satisfying listening experience for anyone who appreciates a decadent slab of rock n’ roll rebellion. There’s no overdone pop polish, silly overdubbing, or glaring Pro Tools edits in the master mix; from top to bottom, these rockers cut us a firebrand LP divided into eight meticulously crafted movements that tell us a lot about their band and the creative spirit driving their music."

Indie Sharks "Pick Of The Week" & "Nomination for Album Of The Year"

Click here to read the full review by Mark Druery at

"These cats are adept at conquering grooves of virtually any shape or size in the hot and heavy material here, but in a slow setting (We Dream The Dream), they demonstrate just as much passion and panache as they do in a stormy volume swell – something that we could only hope to see and hear in their commercially-bankrolled contemporaries."

Click here to read the full review by Anne Hollister at

"Swarthy distorted strings come sweeping through our speakers with an illustrious agility. Drums collide with the riffs they form and create a beat that is riddled with machismo. The bass line swings into the mix and gives a little bit of a cushion for the vocals to jettison into. This is “Fight for Your Freedom,” and it’s just one of eight gems that Rock Party, the debut album from the band Energy, is stocked with. Its party-starting mood is a contagious one, and for those of us who crave a full-fledged rock hurricane, it’s a hard record to top this season."

Click here to read the full review by Gwen Waggoner at

Supporters of the band comments include...

"Wow....absolutely love it....sent tingles up my neck! Hey Iain, it's a fantastic track, (And I'm Doing Alright), superb vocals, musical arrangement and mixing. The lyrics are very poignant , moving and emotional. Superb. Please put together a CD, I'd buy it." - Steve Woodward.

"Love it! (We Dream The Dream) Very atmospheric with hints of Gary Moore in the guitars. A ballad for the rock album I reckon. 😀 - Peter Fellowes.

"Had a real good listen to the album. Really good choices. My 32 yr old son (Zak) said he could listen to it all day! Let’s start a party really shook the house down...masterpiece. It puts Energy in 2020'’s got the 80’s but with a real modern twist. Liked the intro to the’s like ‘what’s bells...uh?’ then the first track kicks in really hard. I had heard your acoustic version of ‘I’m Doing Alright ‘ hearing a full blown recording of this was also fantastic...great Rock Ballad.

It’s really well recorded"...Mark Maglone. 

"Hi Iain, I have listened to the CD about 6 times now. Absolutely brilliant, not a bad song on there. Sublime guitaring as usual! Great song arrangements and lyrics." - Lewis Hubbard.

"This is the stand out sound of Energy I remember back in the day too, it was awesome then and is awesome now....stick it on the album guys! Fantastic!!! - Paul Hynes. 

"Guys.....To date I have heard pretty much all the material that you've recorded...I haven't heard a track that I have not liked.....I have to say - that this is probably my favourite (Cry Of A Child) ----beautifully played & thought provoking lyrics & great production.......I for one will look forward very much to hearing the whole of the rock album when it's finished......Well done guys....keep up the good work." - Eddie Masters. 

"Rock Party, (the 1st track) makes me want to smash things up!" 😀 - Chris Taylor. 

"I think this is a wonderful track. (And I'm Doing Alright.) The words are so relevant and poignant to society today . I don't always take notice of song lyrics, but the lyrics here certainly struck a chord with me. I love the arrangement, the huge sound the band creates and the simplicity of what the song is about , my view is that you should definitely include it on the rock album... Dare I mention the Queenesque touches to this track ??...ok I wont - sorry guys.......Keep up the good work." ...Regards...Eddie.

"Absolute thumbs up. The definitive sound of Energy that we all remember. Great work guys." - Fengate Park. 

"You still got it! Excellent! You guy's left me wanting to hear a whole gig after this. I will certainly want to get my hands on the album as soon as it is released! By the way, I may be coming back across the pond for a reunion. If I know ya'll are playing somewhere, I know a few Yanks that would show up! - Andy Casapini. 

"I was fortunate to have met these guys in the early 80's while stationed in England. I was intrigued by the talented lead guitar of Iain and "Angus Young style" of Boz the bass player. When they introduced their own songs as 7 inch vinyls, 45's sold out at all their gigs on base. Most noteworthy was my night with them in LA when they played Whiskey a Go-Gos. After receiving rave reviews I thought sure a record deal was bound to happen. Fate said otherwise. Even though the band tragically lost Boz this year, the heart and soul of the band, Iain, Stephen and Mark, have maintained the magic of Energy!" - Charlie Snellgrove USA. 

Indie Shark nominated "Rock Party" as album of 2023


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